Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blemishes

There is something about blemishes that instantly kill your self-confidence. While we believe that nothing
should dull your shine be it blemishes or anything else, it always helps if you get a little something to take
care of those mild inconveniences. So what do we do about it? Do we shell out thousands of bucks on
effective but chemical-laden formulas or we go all organic and whip up some fixes on our own? Well, if
you prefer the latter then you’re at the right place. Not only can you use these remedies when you give
yourself an all-natural facial at home, but you can also use them any time of the day you see fit. So go
ahead and check these recipes out!

Tomato Juice

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that help our skin to get rid of all the damage done by free radicals,
including blemishes. So simply mash a tomato and apply it all over your blemishes for about 15 minutes.
Use this quick fix daily and you’ll notice that your blemishes will lighten visibly!

Lemon Juice

If you’re not a fan of tomatoes and can’t bear the smell (yes, some people absolutely cannot!), then you
can also try lemon juice. A natural bleach, lemon juice goes a long way in helping you get rid of blemishes.
Simply apply fresh lemon juice on your blemishes every day twice a day and you will notice visible results
in a few days!

Cocoa Butter

Apart from moisturising your skin to perfection, cocoa butter is also great if you want to treat your blemishes.
Its anti-inflammatory properties and the antioxidants present in them make it absolutely perfect for
fighting blemishes. Simply massage cocoa butter on your problem areas and leave it overnight and
you’re done!

Egg Whites

We can safely say that egg whites can cure almost every skin problems you may have, yes, including
stubborn blemishes. Simply apply an egg white on a cleansed face and then wash it off after about 10
minutes. Follow up with a moisturiser and you will see a visible difference in your blemishes!

We hope that our home remedies helped you as much as they did us. So go ahead and enjoy happy and healthy skin, ladies!


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